• Guest Bloggers Wanted

    A Side Of Writing is looking for unique and informative articles about life, writing, the pursuit of that story which won’t leave you alone until you write it. If this describes the kind of article that you can write then please let us know. Follow this link to our Guest Post Guidelines

We are moving…

Good evening all! I know what most of your are thinking. Wow! It has been a long time since there has been a new post here at A Side of Writing. And you are right. It has been about a year and a half. And to be honest I haven’t gotten much writing done at … Continue reading

Racing towards that rejection letter #1: Sounds crazy but it is true

One of my goals for this new year is to get a rejection letter this year for a piece of long fiction either a novella or a novel. And that might sound like a totally crazy and stupid thing to do but let me explain and it might make more sense. I am a writer. … Continue reading

Remembering that hitting the keys to write is just like hitting the trail to run

Getting started again writing always feels like running up a steep hill at the beginning of a long run. I know that once I get to the top of the hill that one of two things is going to happen. Either it is going to level out, in which case awesome and I will finally … Continue reading

Recipe: Irish Beef Stew

Originally posted on Cafe De Plume:
As I promised yesterday, here is one of my favorite recipes for Irish Beef Stew. This stew will warm you up on a cold day all the way to your bones and keep the snow and biting wind a distant memory as you curl up with your second and…

Writing prompt #79 Snow day

Last night it dumped a bunch of snow on top of our town. Not a ridiculous amount mind you. But when you add on top the below freezing temperatures and blistering winds it added up to schools being closed. So of course our daughters were thrilled to have a day off to play in the … Continue reading

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